McCollum, Ira Jackson
By Eva Windham
Ira Jackson McCollum was born July 16, 1840, in LaGrange, Ind. He served through the Civil War in the Federal Army and was reared principally in Ohio and Minnesota. He married an Indian girl; had one daughter, Iva Winona McCollum; but his wife died. On Sept. 18, 1874, he married Lena Courtade in Grand Rapids, Mich. Ira and Lena came to Waco in 1876 and made their home in the southern and western portion of the state. To this union were born two boys; Ernest (6-14-1876 to 2-19-1954), George (2-18-1888 to 6-22-73) & Bess (11-26-1896 to 3-17-1983). The family moved to Teague, Tx. In 1907.
Ernest married Leonia Hargrave on Sept. 7, 1924. They didn’t have any children.
George married Alma Ora Harris Aug. 25, 1920 and had three sons; Everett, James, Loy H. and they had five girls: Eva, Janet, Julia & twins Iva & Ida.
Bess married John Tucker Mar. 30, 1920. They had a girl.
Ira Jackson died Aug. 2, 1928, and Lena died July 14, 1943, in Teague. Both are buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Teague, Tx.
George was a carman of the B.R.I. and a World War 1 Veteran. He died in Temple Hospital June 22, 1973, he is buried at Salem Cemetery, As of Sept. 17, 1988, all George’s children are still living and wife also at age 86 ½.
The big woman was Aunt Iva Stroud (Ira Jackson’s girl by first wife).